Escape From Tarkov Quests
In this section you will be able to track the quests of the game. If you
will be able to track your progress and mark them as completed
Status | Level | Trader | Name | Actions |
| 0 | Lightkeeper | Information Source | |
Information Source Objectives Survive and extract from Woods through Bridge V-ExSurvive and extract from Customs through Dorms V-ExSurvive and extract from Interchange through Power Station V-ExSurvive and extract from Streets of Tarkov through Primorsky Ave Taxi V-ExSurvive and extract from Ground Zero through Police Cordon V-ExLocate and mark the first Patrol-A armored vehicle with an MS2000 Marker on Streets of TarkovLocate and mark the second Patrol-A armored vehicle with an MS2000 Marker on Streets of Tarkov Rewards Lightkeeper Rep +0.011× Advanced Electronic Materials textbookUnlocks craft for Virtex programmable processor at Intelligence Center level 2
Locations: Wiki Link Link |